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Writing Samples

A collection of works in which I discuss health issues and system improvements I am passionate about. 

Policy Analysis Case Study:
Universal Pharmacare and a National Formulary

August 2019: Health Policy HLTH4021 Undergraduate

Public Service Announcement Brochure:
Organ Donation

August 2019: Health Policy HLTH4021 Undergraduate

Contexts of Decision Making:
Primary Health Care Reform

June 2019: Health Policy HLTH4021 Undergraduate

Health Issue/Problem Analysis:
Safe Injection Sites

May 2019: Health Policy HLTH4021 Undergraduate

Taking Control of Incident Delirium in Vulnerable
Patients in Hospital

April 2019: Issues in Health Care HLTH4011 Undergraduate

Hospital-Acquired Infection Control and Prevention 

March 2019: Issues in Health Care HLTH4011 Undergraduate

Canadian Health Care System

February 2019: Issues in Health Care HLTH4011 Undergraduate

Stakeholder Analysis

February 2019: Issues in Health Care HLTH4011 Undergraduate

Case Study: Care Management & System-Level 
Change Elements and Strategies

December 2018: Client-Directed Care Management HLTH3101 Undergraduate

Case Study:
Ethical Decision-Making and the Legislation

October 2018: Client-Directed Care Management HLTH3101 Undergraduate

Mixed Methods Research Proposal: What to do with Ventilator-Dependant Patients

August 2018: Research Methods RSMT 2501 Undergraduate

Review of Mixed Method Research

July 2018: Research Methods RSMT 2501 Undergraduate

A Comparison of Qualitative Research Designs:
Ethnography and Modified Grounded Theory

July 2018: Research Methods RSMT 2501 Undergraduate

Evaluation of Aquatic Exercise in CHF Patients
with Type 2 Diabetes

June 2018: Research Methods RSMT 2501 Undergraduate

Research Concepts and Ethics

May 2018, Research Methods RSMT3501 Undergraduate

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